Tuesday, January 3, 2012

International Diplomacy-A synonym of opportunism

I was reading an article on the Economist site:-


It just amplified what the world knows as opportunism and the diplomats as game theory. Every country’s relations with other nations are based on its beneficial agenda, and rest is hogwash. Leave aside rightness or morality of the issues; they are just worth pondering, not executing in reality.

So, I literally got crossed when India didn’t raise its voice in support of Pakistan against the NATO bombings. Come on, many soldiers were just slaughtered in the name of war against terrorism. If they would have been US Marines, then terrorism would have shown in heinous portrait. But here, there was no remorse, or at least, a decent acknowledgement of the mistake. All lost in the international chess-game contours. Pity the world.

All this coming from an Indian.

I contemplate then, what if I am in Foreign Consulate of India, and I do have authority to put forth the observations. Will I just circulate everything in the name of correctness, and not by weighing it against the historical dots or future leads? I think, I will have to toe the line. This is the way, how the world functions and has done so since its inception.